For Sponsors
This is the place for the Sponsor and the Sponsee to come together.

We are extremely grateful to the sponsors of F.A. Your service work is deeply appreciated. What you do here will affect the lives of these fosters and their future. F.A. has been given legal use of the 12-Steps. F.A. Sponsors are uniquely qualified to be of service, because of their journey. They bring their experience, strength and hope to the Foster Care Community.
This is a brand new program, and we are looking for Sponsors to help sponsor and mentor the foster members. If you are from A.A., NA, C.A., CoDA, Al-Anon/Alateen, or any of the approved 12-Step programs and have gone through the 12-Steps, we are in need of your service. We know we can count on the fellowships. They have always come through for us.
Sponsors' benefits include:
Free downloadable Foster Anonymous e-book
Sign up as a Sponsor, then log in and go to the Bookstore to download the e-book for free.

Become A Sponsor
Anonymity is essential for both the Sponsor and Sponsee. Due to the safety of the fosters, sponsoring anyone under the age of 18 involves a vetting process. We appreciate your understanding, and we’re sure you are aware of the necessity of this step. This is a secure system, and the vetting process protects the anonymity for everybody. All information is encrypted on secure dedicated servers. We thank you for your service work, and the fosters await your guidance. If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor, complete the form below.
Please fill out the Sponsor form below to become an F.A. Sponsor.
For Sponsors
We feel you will enjoy the journey and have a spiritual connection being a Sponsor in the F.A. Program. The fosters in the F.A. program look to their sponsors as big brothers and sisters.There isn’t a person that has gone through a 12-Step program that hasn’t suffered or experienced some type of tragedy. These fosters have experienced more than most. They have earned a seat at the table. And when they become 18, they don't have the skills or compass to take them through life. They are forgotten. You may be the only person that stands between God, them, and happiness. You are uniquely qualified to be of service. If you can find it in your heart, please register to become an F.A. Sponsor.